Quality dashboard reporting is a major key to success in automating stadiums and arenas.
By Ed Mullen, Vice President of Stadium1
Dashboard reporting is one of the most powerful software reporting tools of the 21st century, but not all are created equal.
Here is how Wikipedia defines it: Dashboards often provide at-a-glance views of KPIs (key performance indicators) relevant to a particular objective or business process (e.g. sales, marketing, human resources, or production). In real-world terms, “dashboard” is another name for “progress report” or “report.”
In today’s tech world, a dashboard is a rendering of data drilled down from various points of information and collections points. The data is filtered and collected from the POS units, which in fact are data collection devices around the stadium; Stadium1 robust dashboard goes far beyond the standard reporting. Our data is also combined with the Stadium1 fan and employee apps and all the activity around it and built on the same platform.
Sample Dashboard |
This data consists of revenue combined with expenses and inventory cost rolled up into one summary report in real time. Stadium1 dashboard creates a true picture of your business operation during an event. Stadium1 can include ticket sales by category, new users sign ups for your loyalty program, along with loyalty points used during the game. It also includes the amount of loaded tickets used and unused.
Sample ticketing and payroll data on the dashboard |
Another function when implementing this dynamic dashboard tool is the review of your game-day promotions based on quantity and sales of these items. Plus, it enables managers to track waste and reduce spoilage. This report can easily be obtained from any mobile device, while the management team can use this data drill down before, during and after the event.
What makes the Stadium1 dashboard unique is the method and function of our programming platform and the way it is displayed on a mobile device. This comprehensive data intake is made meaningful and practical through our front-end graphical user interface. Managers can then interpret the results from our data collection points; then take the appropriate action based on our real-time, cloud-based data input.
An example of a good dashboard is when the data feed tells you when to close a concession stand early when payroll is starting to gain on revenue. Done just 30 minutes early each game, a stand closing can save thousands over the course of a season.
Another revealing factor of dashboards sales of F&B and merchandise items is when it helps take out the guesswork. The dashboard reports exactly what is sold and the revenue amount so management can continue to sell the item or shut it down within seconds. This can help stop spoilage when items overcooked; a promotion initiated from the dashboard will help to sell items faster.
Based on these new programming tools from Stadium1 it is imperative to take advantage to start driving revenues up and reducing cost within your business operation. The dashboard feature complements all the moving parts of your business and is condensed into one big videogame, easy to learn, easy to play and ensures the appropriate actions are taken from your management team.
The next step is yours:
On January 31, 2017, @ 2:00PM EST Stadium1 will be holding a seminar entitled:
What to look for in a POS system that will meet your needs around the stadium and can blend all aspects of your stadium operation into one platform.
Please email your team name, phone number and e-mail address to:
by January 26 to receive an invite for the webinar.
About Stadium1: Our software was designed specifically for stadium operations. We were born online and created from the ground up with a solid foundation of utilizing the most advanced cloud-based software programming technology tools. The system was designed by a team owner with a world-class technology background. Specifically, our background is creating a hardware and software solution focused on implementing the most easy to use, superior functionality and more ways to be profitable.
Stadium1 exists in the market today with tools that can help teams increase revenues, reduce theft, and expenses. We link all departments together on a real-time platform so ownership can make more informed pregame, in-game and post-game decisions in a snap, based on our dynamic integrated technology and design
This revolutionary technology is something you have to see to believe.
To learn more please contact Ed Mullen at ed.mullen@stadium1.com
or call 561-704-1414.
About the author — Ed Mullen is an invited nationally recognized speaker and author on sports technology. He performs educational seminars on connectivity solutions for stadium, arenas, sports complexes and college venues. He has managed and implemented over a billion dollars of technology into thousands of sports venues worldwide. His passion and understanding his client’s goals and objectives, enables Ed, and his team to develop, market, and implement these unique sets of SAS services. The results are meeting the needs of his customers, allowing them to maximize their full revenue potential.